The following services are available:
- Baby Checks
- Chronic Disease Management clinics – Asthma, COPD, Diabetes
- Diet & Lifestyle advice
- General Medical advice
- Health Checks
- Long acting reversible contraception (implant / coil)
- Minor Surgical Procedures
- Smear tests
- Vaccinations & Immunisations
Non-urgent advice: Non- NHS services
When your doctor is asked to give medical information about you in the form of a report, letter or certificate, the request kick starts a series of processes.
This takes time and is not always straightforward or simple to complete. Some of the information is not available easily and will mean the doctor has to sort and select the right information for the request.
Your doctor is inundated with work. They have to balance their time with treating the sick, keeping their practice afloat and making sure they are doing all of this safely and within their professional duties as a doctor.
With certain exceptions written within their contract, doctors do not have to carry out non-NHS work. However, many choose to for the benefit of you and other families they treat.
Where a doctor chooses to undertake the work, we will advise you of the fee they require. Should their volume of work prove to be greater or more complex than expected, the doctor will contact you to discuss how to proceed.
Please DO NOT book a GP appointment for them to complete a report/letter/certificate. Speak to the reception team who will liaise with the doctor and obtain their agreement before making a booking.